Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fly in a Flower

Learning to use a macro lens to record the invertebrates I see in my garden.  This fly was on a peony.  Delighted with the detail although part is missing because of a petal.

Focusing is the difficult part with the macro lens.  I set the camera to take multiple pictures and moved in and out.  Out of 4 or 5 shots, I got this one.  Hurrah!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June in June

June in June
June is one beautiful hosta.  Not only is the leaf pattern great but the growing shape is full and neat.

Here's June on an rainy day in June.

Not Gone Entirely

Several years ago, I had a lovely, pink tree peony that just seemed out of  scale for my small space.  I dug it up and gave it to a friend.  Deal done, I thought.

About three years later, I notice peony stalks springing up where the tree peony had been.  What the heck -- I let them grow.  The little stalks grew and gave strength to the root.  Now I have a pink, single peony growing from the original root stalk, and I think I love it.
Sometimes what is at the heart of the matter is more valuable than the externals.